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Scientific encyclopedia "Traditional system of ethnographic categories, concepts and names among Kazakhs". Encyclopedia. Vol. 1-5.

Scientific encyclopedia "Traditional system of ethnographic categories, concepts and names among Kazakhs". Encyclopedia. Vol. 1-5. – Almaty: “Alem. Damu. Integrasia”, 2017. An enlarged and revised second edition (in Kazakh language).

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An abstract of the scientific encyclopedia "Traditional system of ethnographic categories, concepts and names among Kazakhs". Encyclopedia. Vol. 1-5. – Almaty: “Alem. Damu. Integrasia”, 2017. An enlarged and revised second edition. 


CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS of the scientific encyclopedia "Traditional system of ethnographic categories, concepts and names among Kazakhs". Encyclopedia. Vol. 1-5. – Almaty: “Alem. Damu. Integrasia”, 2017. An enlarged and revised second edition.


REVIEWS, CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN SCIENTISTS (EXPERTS) ON SCIENTIFIC ENCYCLOPEDIA "Traditional system of ethnographic categories, concepts and names among Kazakhs". Encyclopedia. Vol. 1-5. – Almaty: “Alem. Damu. Integrasia”, 2017. An enlarged and revised second edition.

  1. Review of Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor K. Kuderinova: The anthology of Kazakh culture // Akikat (national and social-political magazine). – 2015. N12. – 95 – 100 pp.
  2. Review of Professor of Eurasian National university named after L.N. Gumilyov, academic of National Academy of Science of Republic Kazakhstan, Doctor of history B.E. Kumekov and Doctor of Philology Sh. Ybrayeva: Valuable contribution to ethnological Kazakh studies // Turkic Studies Journal No1(2), 2020. – 93 – 104 pp.
  3. Review, published in an international peer-reviewed scientific journal included in information resources of Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus (Elsevier) «Millî Folklor» (Turkey): Yerke OZER. Nursan Alimba (ed.) Ortalik Muzey Enbekteri/Trudi Tsetralnogo Muzeya (Merkezi Muze Calismalari) I-II. Cilt, Almati, 2009. // Milli Folklor, 2018, Yil 30, Sayi 118. – 168-170. http://www.millifolklor.com IISN 1300-3984;
  4. Review by Professor of the Ataturk Institute and the History of the Revolution at Hacettepe University, Dr. Derviş. M. Kilinçkaya(Kitap Değerlendirmesi): Nursan Alimbay. (ed.). “Kazak Halkının Etnografik Kategori, Kavram ve İsimlerinin Geleneksel Sistemi. 1-5 cilt” // Cumhuriyet Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Yıl 15, Sayı 30 (Güz 2019). – P.417-423.


May 4, 2021, Faculty of History, Kazakh National university named after Al-Farabi and the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a joint event "National Heritage", which was attended by the teaching staff and students in the direction of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. As part of the event, a discussion was held on the Encyclopedic Dictionary "Traditional system of ethnographic categories, concepts and names among Kazakhs". Encyclopedia. Vol. 1-5. – Almaty: “Alem. Damu. Integrasia”, 2017. An enlarged and revised second edition.

A list of the most significant scientific papers of the CSM RK


  1. Хлудов Н.Г. Каталог произведений: живопись и графика. Науч. руководитель и автор предисл. Нурсан Алимбай // Алматы, 2003. – 288 с.; (на каз., рус., англ. языках).
  2. Қазақстанның нумизматикалық мұрасы. Нумизматические наследие Казахстана. The Numismatic Heritage of Kazakhstan. / Науч. руководитель и автор предисл. «Ценности, не имеющие цены» Нурсан Алимбай. - ЦГМ РК, ТОО «InterCinema-TV Service». Алматы, 2008. – 110 с., ил.
  3. Археологические коллекции Центрального Государственного музея Республики Казахстан. Иллюстрированный научный каталог. Т. 1. Культура ранних кочевников Казахстана. – Алматы, 2009. Научные руководители – Нурсан Алимбай, Алишер Акишев
  4. Традиционная казахская одежда. / Kazakh traditional garments. Scientific catalogue.Из серии: Этнографические коллекции Центрального Государственного музея Республики Казахстан». Иллюстрированный научный каталог. Научный руководитель Нурсан Алимбай. – Алматы: Өнер, 2009. – 344 с.
  5. Қазақстан Республикасы Мемлекеттік орталық музейі қорындағы бірегей қолжазбалар мен басылымдар. Ғылыми каталог. Ғылыми редакторы Нұрсан Әлімбай, Ж. Шалғынбай. – Қазақ, орыс және ағылшын тілде. – Алматы: Өнер, 2011. – 328 б., ил. (Редкие рукописи и издания в фондах Центрального Государственного музея Республики Казахстан. Научный каталог. На каз., рус., англ. яз. – Алматы: Онер, 2011. – 328 с., ил.).
  6. Қазақстан Республикасы Мемлекеттік орталық музейінің археологиялық коллекциясы сақтар мен үйсіндер мәдениеті. Ғылыми каталог. Ғылыми редакторы Нұрсан Әлімбай. Қазақ, орыс және ағылшын тілде. – Алматы: Өнер, 2011. – 320 б., ил. (Культура саков и усуней Казахстана в археологических коллекциях Центрального Государственного музея Республики Казахстан. Научный каталог. На каз., рус., англ. языках. – Алматы: Өнер, 2011. – 320 с., ил.).
  7. Қазақ кілемдері мен тоқыма бұйымдары Қазақстан Республикасы Мемлекеттік музейі коллекциясынан. Ғылыми каталог. (Казахские ковры и ковровые изделия из коллекции Центрального Государственного музея Республики Казахстан. Научный каталог). Ғылыми ред. және жоба жетекшісі Нұрсан Әлімбай.- Алматы: ICOS, 2012.–384 б.
  8. Қазақстан Республикасының Мемлекеттік орталық музей қорындағы Шығыс монеталары: Шағатай монеталарының Алматы көмбесі (Восточные монеты из фондов Центрального государственного музея Республики Казахстан: Алматинский клад чагатаидских монет. Иллюстрированный научный каталог). Илююстрацияланған ғылыми каталог. 1 том. 1 кітап. (қазақ, орыс, ағылшын тілдерінде). Жоба жетекшісі Нұрсан Әлімбай. – Алматы: «Өнер», 2013. – 320 бет.
  9. «Қазақстан Республикасының Мемлекеттік орталық музей қорындағы Шығыс монеталары: Шағатай монеталарының Алматы көмбесі». (Восточные монеты из фондов Центрального государственного музея Республики Казахстан: Алматинский клад чагатаидских монет. Иллюстрированный научный каталог). Иллюстрированный научный каталог. 1 том. 2 кітап. (қазақ, орыс, ағылшын тілдерінде). Жоба жетекшісі Нұрсан Әлімбай. – Алматы: «Азия Арна», 2014. – 320 бет.


  1.  «ҚАЗАҚТЫҢ ЭТНОГРАФИЯЛЫҚ КАТЕГОРИЯЛАР, ҰҒЫМДАР МЕН АТАУЛАРЫНЫҢ ДӘСТҮРЛІ ЖҮЙЕСІ» (1-5 т. – Алматы: «Әлем. Даму. Интеграция», 2017. Толықтырылып, өңделіп екінші басылуы) ғылыми энциклопедия (1 том жүктеу , 2 том жүктеу, 3 том жүктеу, 4 том жүктеу, 5 том жүктеу.)

Scientific collections  

  1. Труды Центрального музея: музейное дело, история, этнология, фольклористика, археология, антропология, историография, источниковедение, нумизматика. Вып. I // Научный ред. Нурсан Алимбай. // На каз., рус., англ. языках. - Алматы: Гылым, 2004. – 396 с.; 1000 экз.
  2. Труды Центрального музея: музейное дело, история, этнология, фольклористика, археология, антропология, историография, источниковедение. Вып. II // Научный редактор Нурсан Алимбай. // На каз., рус., англ. языках. – Алматы: Балалар әдебиеті, 2009. – 576 с.
  3. Kazakhstan: hommes, betes et dieux de la steppe. Catalogue. – Paris, 2010.
  4. Nomads and Networks: The Ancient Art and Culture of Kazakhstan / Edited by Soren Stark and Karen S.Rubinson with Zainolla S.Samashev and Jennifer V.Chi. Princeton Press, 2012.- 195 p.
  5. Popoli della Yurta Kazakhstan: Tra le oplglnl e la modernita. – Milano, 2008. – 319 s. На итал. яз.
  6. Im Zeichen des Goldenen Greifen: Konigs graber der skythen.– Berlin, 2008.- 340s.

Materials of scientific conferences

  1. МАТЕРИАЛЫ международной научно-практической конференции «II АРГЫНБАЕВСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ», посвященной 90-летию выдающегося ученого-этнографа, доктора исторических наук, профессора Халел Аргынбаева / 25 декабря 2014 г.
  2. «Мәдениеттер тоғысындағы тіл, әдебиет, аударматану, журналистика, экономика және бизнес мәселелері» / 23-24 сәуір, 2015 жыл
  3. МАТЕРИАЛЫ международной научно-практической конференции «VIІ Оразбаевские чтения» «КАЗАХСТАНСКАЯ АРХЕОЛОГИЯ И ЭТНОЛОГИЯ: ПРОШЛОЕ, НАСТОЯЩЕЕ И БУДУЩЕЕ» / 28-29 апреля 2015 г.
  4. Proceedings of International scientific and methodical conference «VIІI Orazbayev readings»: «ARCHAEOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, MUSEOLOGY IN THE SYSTEM OF PRESENT HIGHER EDUCATION»


  1. Алимбай Н., Муканов М.С., Аргынбаев Х., Традиционная культура жизнеобеспечения казахов // Очерки теории и истории. – Алматы: Ғылым. - 1998. - 234
  2. Исмагулов О., Бекетайкызы К., Исмагулова А., Алтай қазақтары // Тарихи-антропологиялық зерттеу. – Астана: 2003. – 350 б.
  3. Шалғынбай Ж. История казахской книжной культуры (1807-1917 – 1991-2001 гг.). Монография. //Научный редактор Нурсан Алимбай. - Алматы: Баспалар үйі, 2009. - 328 с.
  4. Ермекбаев Ж.А. Чеченцы и ингуши в Казахстане: история и судьбы. – Алматы: Дайк-Пресс, 2009. – 508 с.
  5. Смағулұлы О., Қожа М., Исмагулова А., Абылай хан // Тарихи – антропологиялық зерттеу. - А., 1999. - 176 б.
  6. Қатран Д, Қазақтың дәстүрлі ас-тағам мәдениеті / Тарихи-этнологиялық зерттеу // Монография. – Алматы: 2002. – 208 б.

Collections of archieve materials and sources

  1. Казахское книжное дело в документах и материалах ХIХ - начала ХХ вв. Сборник архивных документов // Руководитель проекта Ж. Шалгынбай. // Научные редакторы: Ж. Шалгынбай, В.З. Галиев //Науч.ред. Нурсан Алимбай. - Алматы: Баспалар үйі, 2009. - 640 с., илл.
  2. Ислам в Казахстане: паломничество (XIX - начало ХХ вв.). Сборник материалов. Руководитель проекта Г.Р. Мухтарова. // Науч.ред. Нурсан Алимбай. - Алматы: Баспалар үйі, 2009. - 640 с.
  3. Базылхан Н. Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас). Серия «Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері» -2 том. – Алматы: Дайк-Пресс, 2005. – 252 с., илл.144с
  4. Khinayat Babakumar (with Benko Mihaly). A keleti magayrsagrol irott emlekek. (Источники о восточных мадьярах (историко-культурные взаимосвязи венгров и казахов) (на венгерском яз.). - Budapest: Puski kiado, 2007. - 160 p.
  5. Шалғынбай Ж. Казахстан в зарубежных источниках // Труды, исследования и путешествия российских и европейских ученых досоветского периода // Биобиблиография. //Научный редактор Нурсан Алимбай. - Алматы: лингвострановедческий инновационный центр «Кие», 2009. - 600 с.; портр., ил.

Training aids

  1. Мухтарова Г.Р. Түркістан тарихы бойынша типтік оқу бағдарлама / Жоғары оқу орындарының тарих факультеті студенттеріне арналған. - Алматы: ҚазҰУ. - 2003. – 28 б.
  2. Раимханова К.Н., Хатран Д., Музей ісінің теориясы мен практикасы // Учеб. Пос. - А., 2002. – 90 б.

Album and guidebook

  1. Центральный Государственный музей Республики Казахстан. Путеводитель // Науч. ред. Нурсан Алимбай. – Алматы: 2003. – 105 с.
  2. Центральный Государственный музей. Фотоальбом. – Алматы: Онер, 2009.
  3. Центральный Государственный музей Республики Казахстан. Путеводитель // Науч. ред. Нурсан Алимбай. – Алматы: 2013. – 116 с. (on kazakh, russian, english).

Research and restoration work

Restoration Center is aimed at systematic study of new technologies in the field of restoration work on different types of materials and objects, including work with new materials, are seeking ways to find optimal solutions for the restoration. It should be noted, that it is thanks to the efforts of the artists - restorers exhibits, with the status of artifacts avoid oblivion and find their recognized place in exhibitions.

Museum items from receipt are constantly under the supervision of conservators. In the restoration workshops have been restored unique jewelry - pectorals - alka (silver, coral, turquoise, late 19th century), tumarsha (first half of the last century), chirag (ceramic lamp of hand molding, 10-12th century), and weapons, various rare and valuable archaeological finds. Restoration Center performs particularly complex conservation of artifacts found in archaeological expeditions that have a unique and historic value. During 2014 we have been a large number of conservation of archaeological artifacts from bronze, copper casting, forging (10-8th century BC, Southern Kazakhstan), ceramics, fragments, late stage of the Bronze Age (XII-IX century Myrzhyk burial).

Плошка-чашка. Бронза, литье, ковка. Х-VIII в. до н.э.

Before conservation After conservation

In turn, the restorers take into account the scientific interests of archaeologists, they do everything possible to treatment and conservation has not prevented the further study of material as a full-fledged historical source.

Paintings, watercolors, graphic drawings, documents and manuscripts of 20-30s - credentials, and certificates were restored.

Many paintings of A. Kasteev - "Muslim boy’s circumcision" 1913, "Amangeldy with a troop" 1944, N. Khludov - "Young hunters" 1913, "Harvest" 1920, "Mother nursing baby" 1907 and the work of other famous artists were restored. Works on military subjects, timed to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War are also restored. This is a series of unique graphics and watercolor paintings of painter N.V. Tsivchinski 1942 "The head of a dead German", "Skeleton in the ravine", "Captured German". A large number of carpet-felt products of Pavlodar region, the middle of the 20th century were renovated and restored. East – Kazakhstan, 1950, Aktobe region, middle of 20th century, 1983 (syrmak, pile carpets, alasha, tuskiiz). Complete restoration (dusting, cleaning, fixing of departed cords, cuts, filling holes), of exhibits restoration and preservation are carried out.

Худ. Цивчинский Н.В. 1942г. "Голова убитого немца"

Before restoration  After restoration

Organization of scientific activity

Since 2004, CSM RK operates as a research organization that has served as a new impetus to the improvement of both scientific r (including fund), as well as cultural and educational work.

Objectives of the research work of the museum: the development of theoretical and methodological and scientific-applied problems of typology and ethno-cultural attribution of monuments of history and culture; popularization of scientific and collecting results, scientific and archival, restoration and research activities; implementation of international and inter-agency scientific and cultural cooperation in the field of museology; Organization of archaeological, anthropological, ethnographic expeditions and research trips; research, publication of scientific, popular scientific literature in the field of specialized disciplines, as well as museological disciplines.

Research activity of the CSM RK is aimed at scientific and methodological support of the process of accumulation and intergenerational transmission of historical and cultural information on the basis of systematic equipment, scientific research and popularization of objects of museum value. At the same time, the study of fund collections as a historical and cultural source are of scientific and practical interest, since today in historiography is a revision of previous theoretical and methodological orientations. In this regard, the establishment of an independent study based on an extensive study of the range of material and written sources that constitute the numerous fund collections of the CSM RK, allows reconsiders and gives a new interpretation of the different periods of national history.

Research activity of the CSM RK is carried out in the field of anthropology, ethnology, history, archeology, museum sources and manuscripts, as well as in the field of scientific and practical work – inventory, conservation and acquisition of funds, restoration and conservation of museum exhibits, cataloging of museum collections, including cameral processing, systematization and attribution of the most valuable exhibits. One of the core areas of museum work as design of various expositions and exhibitions is also a special "objectified" form of scientific and publishing activity of the museum.

The CSM RK along with other museums of Kazakhstan operates as an institution for the collection, keeping, study and popularization of a wide variety of artifacts on the history and culture of Kazakhstan. Therefore, the CSM RK actively engaging museum treasures, museum artifacts of various origins, hitherto unknown in the national historiography, as a reliable source for exploring the history and culture of Kazakhstan.

In 2011, the CSM RK in accordance with the Rules of accreditation of subjects of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities (Government Resolution of RK 08.06.2011, № 645) was accredited as a subject of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities and received official recognition of the compliance of the museum's requirements and standards established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (certificate №001979 from 23.09.2011).

Scientific-fund work

The funds of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan consist of items of material and spiritual culture, reflecting the history of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present. Museum items organized into collections, types of sources, by material distributed in 15 repositories.

Work of funds on conservation, research and use of museum objects are focused. 

Registration, inventory and replenishment of fund   

Registration of museum collections is one of the main functions of the fund activity. All museum objects and collections are subject to state registration. Registration of museum collections and objects is a registration of their composition and quantity in a special registration and archival documents in order to identify and organization of their regulatory conservation, operational location, monitor changes in the composition and state of conservation, scientific study of museum objects and their effective and efficient usage. State registration of museum collections involves two stages that reflect the degree of scrutiny of museum objects: initial registration of museum items and inventory, i.e. the scientific registration of museum objects. Herewith museum exhibits of the main fund are inventory, which is a basic form of study, description and scientific definition.  

The systematic replenishment of funds has always considered as the main direction of scientific activity of the museum. The forms of acquisition of museum collections are very diverse. Free of charge transfer (donation) to the property of the museum, collections or items by organizations or individuals, the purchase from private individuals, as well as to explore certain themes and collecting work of museum organize the expedition - archaeological, ethnographic, historical, domestic, natural- research are the main sources of fund replenishment. They are often held in conjunction with academic institutions. 

Museum funds are replenished by personal complexes, archives of famous people of science, art, history and culture of Kazakhstan

Digitization of artifacts (scanning, photography) 

Digitize - the process of converting of pictures and texts into digital data for storage and usage. Scanner is a good example of digitizing.   

Since 2012 the museum is working to digitize the exhibits of photo documentary fund. Photographs and negatives transferred into digital form that allows to keep the exhibits (originals) in its original form and gives the possibility to produce multiple viewing of materials in electronic format (for publication, reproduction, review and other), as well as providing access to historical photo documents. The data can be used by a computer for further processing, transmission on digital channels, and save on digital media.   

Scanning of coins is able to create an electronic collection of coins, and while conducting scientific research, reduce the need for access to the originals in order to ensure their safety. 

In the museum lab are performed on photographic images: for catalogue (on scientific work of museum), while the restoration of museum objects, for museum events , for the program "Museolog", for special survey conducted for sites and photo albums of museum departments, for scientific publications, as well as for registration of mounting papers in the halls and at exhibitions. 

Attribution and certification

Discussion As the result of comprehensive study and description of the museum object is forming and filling of scientific passport. The information introduced in the passport, summarizes the scientific attribution of the monument and reflects not only the information contained in the field and the registration and archival documents, but obtained in the course of scientific research. The depth of information is determined by the degree of scientific processing of the monument at the time of the passport forming. The data on the monument can be complemented and, where necessary, modified by further scientific study of the monument and used in the museum purposes. 

Since 1970s certification of museum collections was started. Here are filled data resulting from the study of scientific and reference books, documents of museum archives, works on correct identification and annotation of museum objects, deciphering of stamps, inscriptions and images. 

As a result of certification and attribution of museum objects scientific catalogues for clothing, carpets products, archeology, numismatics, rare books and manuscripts (See. Section Publications and scientific works ) were released.  

Program "Museolog" 

In 2004 Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the signed with the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty memorandum on the implementation of the software "Museolog" in museums in Central Asia and Kazakhstan continues to lead the coordination and methodological work.  

Studying of "Museolog"Free software of the "Museolog" electronic catalogue intended for museums of the Central Asian region is a database of museum collections in Central Asia, designed to enable scientists, historians, museum workers and the general public to get acquainted through the Internet with the most interesting exhibits of this region. Currently the CSM RK is coordinating and advisory center for the implementation and application of the "Museolog" program.  

"Museolog" - a computer program that create information catalogues of museum collections, i.e. electronic catalogue of virtual inventory cards - Museum successfully performs the following tasks: 

  • Inventoryand management of museum collections;
  • Conservation of the museumcollections;
  • Studying the collections in order to deepen knowledgeon the individual item;
  • Use of collectionsdatain order to create a single information field on Kazakhstan museums’collections;
  • Providing public access to the collections.
  • Publications.

Currently, at the request of the museums were amended on improving of the software. In 2008, a new version of Museolog for Linux 4.7., developed by UNESCO, involves the development of a unified system of scientific descriptions of objects on the basis of agreed thesaurus. 

By museum staff training on the practical management of an electronic cataloging system "Museolog» to employees of "Management of state residences" Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and familiarization with the program" Museolog " for the museum director of Bayan-Olgi (Mongolia) are carried out.  

"Museolog" contributes to the creation of scientific and institutional framework that enables efficient systematization – inventory, identification and cataloging of museum objects, including research work. 

As previously mentioned, the development program of the electronic catalog "Museolog" by all the museums of Kazakhstan in the future will enable us to get an overall picture of the composition of the National Museum Fund of the Republic, and in the near future electronic catalogue of the Central Asian Museum Fund. 

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